Amolala at the Championsleague match FC Barcelona – Bayern München

I went to see a Championsleague Football Game last night (thanks to the Papa) – I guess that is something you have to do when you live in a city like Barcelona, well at least once! And so we went to see FC Barcelona – Bayern München in Camp Nou. The stadium is not really nice, old “Betonbau” but it fits an incredible amount of people. They said there were 93.000 people and as we were so early enjoying the view and watching people coming in, I doubted until the last minute that it would really fill up.


I have to say, the Catalan fans are really lame – 90.000 people could make a lot of noise but it was really quiet, not much moving or cheering or singing. At some point some overexcited expats tried to start a “LaOla” which died two blocks later accompanied by the puzzled looks of the catalan fans. At least their team impressed by kicking the Bayerns butts (4:0). However, my favourites were the Bayern fans all dressed up in Lederhosen equipped with lots of fan stuff and flags, all cooped up in a fan cage at the top of the stadium, singing and cheering and making more noise than the entire rest of the stadium!


So it is definitely worth going to see a game when you have the chance!

hehehe, and I just learned thanks to , that i witnessed a historical moment: “Was ich in der ersten Halbzeit gesehen habe, war das Fürchterlichste, was ich von dem FC Bayern je gesehen habe“, sagte Präsident Franz Beckenbauer.

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Filed under Barcelona

One response to “Amolala at the Championsleague match FC Barcelona – Bayern München

  1. Hanni

    Hihi, 2 Teletubbies!!!!

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